Urgent healthcare abroad

What to do when you need urgent medical care abroad?

It is possible that you might require urgent medical treatment or even hospitalisation while you are abroad. Your mutual insurance company provider will reimburse some of these costs under certain conditions.

What to do in the event of an emergency abroad?

The health system (doctors, hospitals etc.) may vary from one EU country to another. With our health insurance, you can receive assistance in the event of an emergency in the EU via the Mediphone Assist centre which is open 24/7 on T. +32 2 778 94 94. Call them as soon as possible within 48h so they can guide you, and always make sure you have your European health insurance card (EHIC) when you travel abroad.

A digital version of your European Health insurance card is available via your online customer area. it is linked to your public health insurance Partenamut or Helan. You  can also ask a paper version by phone.

You can also ask the reimbursement of your urgent and unforeseen medical costs abroad outside the EU area, in the following countries:  Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Albania, Algeria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Morocco, Montenegro, Serbia, Tunisia, Turkey, Andorra, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Kosovo, Lebanon, Libya, Monaco, Palestine, San Marino, Syria, Vatican.

Always contact your health insurance provider for information before you leave.

Do you want to know more about Mediphone Assist?

Visit our dedicated website on Mediphone Assist service where you will find all the the answers to your questions.